We are excited and very proud to announce that we are now official members of the Steinbach Chamber of Commerce!

Thank you Steinbach for welcoming us with open arms! It has been an amazing experience so far since the creation of our non-profit festival and we don't plan to stunt our growth anytime soon.
We look forward to be part of such a united community that also values the importance of growing individual businesses and community organizations as well. With summer finally trickling in, we believe that with being apart of such a supportive environment, that the sky is no longer the limit as we hope to really collaborate and further connect with the businesses within our community.
As a new member to the Steinbach Chamber of Commerce family, we hope to make you proud and cannot wait to add our share of value towards the community.
#Steinbachcommunity #steinbachchamberofcommerce #comingtogether #nonprofit #festival #businessessupportingbusiness
Hello Organizers, I have tickets for the upcoming Iral Festival in Steinbach March 3-5, but lacking information on all activities.
Clive Hinds